Guest Blog by Cathy Marxen & Steve LaFond, Board Certified Pedorthist at Schuler Shoes.
Last week, we brought you 4 tips for buying and wearing the right shoes. Here are 4 more great tips to keep in mind when you’re shopping for and wearing shoes.
- Rotate your shoes every other day. Your feet sweat (even if you don’t notice it) and shoes need time to dry out or they will break down faster. Rotating shoes each day adds life to your shoes.
- Get your feet measured each time you buy new shoes. The size of your feet can change throughout your life due to well…life. There are many reasons why your feet change in size and width such as pregnancy, working a job that forces you to be on your feet all day, or sports. Just because you wore a size 7 in high school, doesn’t mean you still wear a size 7. Having your feet measured by a professional is the best way to find the perfect fitting shoe.
- Have BOTH feet measured. It is not uncommon to have two different sized feet.
- Not all feet are equal. Feet come in all shapes and sizes. If you have wide feet, you need a wide shoe. If you have high arches, you need a shoe that supports your arch, but accommodates the top of your foot. Narrow feet require narrow shoes. A shoe fit expert or Board Certified Pedorthist can help you recognize the shape of your foot and offer suggestions for proper footwear.