New Year’s came and went, and now many Americans are writing down resolutions they hope to keep throughout 2015. If you’re like a lot of our readers, one of your goals is to be healthier in the new year. But what are some easy resolutions that will help you maintain that goal? Below, we share four resolutions that will make 2015 your healthiest year yet.
1. Exercise More – More exercise is the number one resolution for most people, which is why you’ll see so many deals for gym memberships in the coming weeks. The problem is that many people do the first steps of exercise – be it buying a gym membership, a FitBit, or new running shoes – but they don’t follow through on the important part, the exercise. Write your exercise goals down and make a conscious effort to make time to exercise.
2. Give Up Soda – Another popular resolution is to eat healthier, and while we also recommend you keep tabs on what food you’re putting in your body, soda is a sneaky product that puts empty calories and unnecessary sugars in your body. I always stress moderation on my blog, so you don’t need to give up soda cold turkey, but be conscious about your soda consumption. If you’re out to eat, oftentimes the glass they provide for soda is anywhere between 20 and 32 ounces, and if they give you a refill, you may absentmindedly consume 48-64 ounces of soda, or about 4-5 cans! As diabetes rates continue to soar, cutting soda out of your regular routine is a great away to stay in shape.
3. Get Better Sleep – Sleep is another topic we write about frequently on the blog. Good sleep is important for your mind and body. Sleep allows your body and mind to rest and rejuvenate, which can help you get out of bed and get your exercise in on those days when you’d rather sleep in. As I mentioned in a previous post, take steps to ensure that the bedroom is a primary place for sleep, not for Netflix or e-reading. Electronic devices can hinder healthy sleep, so resolve to keep the devices off or out of sight after crawling into bed.
4. See Your Doctor – Many of you probably signed up or are in the process of signing up for a healthcare plan now that the ball has dropped. Your health plans typically cover preventative medicine, so make sure you take advantage of your yearly physical. Some dental plans also cover the cost of regular cleanings, so pay heed to your dental health. I know visits to the doctor or dentist’s office aren’t the most fun, but neither is being sick or getting a cavity filled. I always preach that prevention is preferred to treatment, so use your preventative options to your advantage.