Our feet help to handle and displace stress with every step we take, and if you’re like most people, you probably don’t give them a second thought the majority of the time. We need our feet to stay healthy if we want to be able to get around when we’re old and gray, but sometimes we do things that unknowingly stress or strain our feet. Today, we take a closer look at five habits that are bad for your feet so you know what activities to avoid or limit.
Bad Foot Habits
Here’s a look at five ways you’re hurting your feet, and what you can do about it.
1. High Heels – We’ve lamented about the dangers of high heels in the past on the blog, but we also understand the appeal of those little red heels. We’ve never said that you should stop wearing heals altogether, but you need to be smart about wearing them and do so in moderation. When picking out heels, opt for ones with a lower heel and avoid narrow toe boxes.
2. Overuse – Another common way we strain our feet is through overuse. We understand the need to get around and get things done throughout the day, but you also need to find time to get off your feet. If your feet start to hurt when you’re out for a walk or shopping at the mall, find a bench and give them a 5-10 minute break. Pushing through pain exposes you to bigger injuries, so be proactive about giving your feet a rest.
3. Wrong Shoes For The Job – High heels aren’t the only shoes that we have a problem with when worn for long periods of time. Any shoe that isn’t right for the job can injure your feet or expose them to injury. Wearing open-toed sandals while hiking or shoes without tread near slippery surfaces aren’t the right shoe for the task at hand. Find the right shoe for the activities you’ll be performing. When looking for an all-purpose shoes, remember that as long as your feet are comfortable, you’re doing something right.
4. Not Wearing Socks With Shoes – Fungus thrives in dark, moist environments, which is exactly what can happen if you regularly wear shoes without socks. Socks help to keep our feet dry and protect against fungal infections. If you’re going to be wearing shoes without socks, consider using antibacterial spray or powder on the inside of the shoes after you wear them.
5. Ignoring Warning Signs – The final way we put our feet at risk on a regular basis is by ignoring warning signs. If you have a cut on your foot that doesn’t seem to be healing, a bunion that’s getting bigger or signs of a toenail infection, don’t just hope that it will go away on its own. Left untreated, foot problems can grow into severe issues, so have them examined by a foot specialist like Dr. Silverman. He’ll be able to take a look at the issue, provide you with a diagnosis and begin a treatment plan that same day.