College campuses are once again filling up with students, and classes start within the next few weeks. Going off to college is a huge step in a person’s journey to adulthood, but the pressure of a new setting and harder classes can lead people to make some poor health choices. Today, we share five tips to help you stay healthy and avoid the dreaded Freshman 15 in your first few months at college.
Staying Healthy in College
Here are five tips to stay healthy as the college year begins:
1. Walk to Class – If you’re a freshman, odds are you’re going to be in campus housing, which means you aren’t going to be too far from your class buildings. It may be tempting to jump on moped to scoot around campus, but walking is probably your best bet. It’s a great way to work some exercise into your daily routine without heading to the gym. If your building is a few miles away, opt for a bicycle, which still requires some physical activity on your part.
2. Hit the Gym – Even though you’re getting some light exercise by walking to class, you should still try to visit the gym a few times a week. Luckily these services are usually available free of charge on campus. Ask your resident adviser or other students where the activity center is located on campus, and make it a point to visit a few times a week.
3. Watch What You Eat – When you’re off on your own for college, you are completely in control of your meals. Some campus food centers have all-you-can-eat meal programs, but it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t always eat all that you can, and don’t always go for the burgers and fries. Make sure you continue to get a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables, and limit the late night snacks.
4. Join an Intramural Team – Similar to walking to class, joining an intramural team can be a great way to stay active without being in the gym. Not only that, but you can also meet a bunch of new friends this way. Don’t worry if you’re not great at sports, because most colleges offer all sorts of activities for all ranges of skill level. Join a co-ed recreational ultimate Frisbee team, or join a Broomball league. There are endless options, so find a fun activity to join.
5. Sleep – This can be easier said than done, especially if you’re cramming for an exam, but the best way to avoid late-night snacking is to head to bed at a reasonable time. This will help your mind and body recharge, and it can also help you avoid a mid-day nap, which could be time better spent at the gym.