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Foot injuries are one of the most common types of trauma you can experience during workouts. Regardless of whether you do aerobics, play basketball or jog, there is a chance of that you will injure your feet. This can occur either suddenly or slowly over time.
If you exercise regularly, you should be aware of some of the most common ways you can get injured. This can help you identify the problem on time and seek medical help. Here are the five most common foot injuries caused by working out.
Black Toenails
Black toenails, sometimes referred to as subungual hematomas are a foot injury caused by repetitive trauma. Although your toenails can also turn black due to fungal infections or even underlying medical conditions like diabetes, it is often the result of running. The reason why your toenails became black is because there is blood or bruising under them.
This type of injury is more common among people who run on concrete, as it is a harder surface than grass and sand. When you’re jogging, your toes are likely to hit the front of your shoes, which puts pressure on the toenail plate. To prevent black toenails, it’s recommended that you get quality footwear and socks. Make sure that your socks are not too tight to reduce the risk of this injury.
Most subungual hematomas do not require medical attention. Your toenails will go back to normal once they heal. Nevertheless, it’s recommended that you don’t put too much pressure on your feet if have black toenails. Although you won’t necessarily experience a lot of pain, your injured toenail may fall off as a result of repeated trauma.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is another common cause of heel pain for active men and women. This problem can arise when you injure your plantar fascia, the largest ligament in your foot. This ligament serves a very important function as a shock absorber when you walk and run. Most ligaments experience a substantial amount of wear and tear every day, which is why plantar fasciitis can be a common injury.
It’s important to note that there are also other, small injuries that can cause heel pain. However, if you find it difficult to raise your toes off the floor or you find the pain worse after sleeping, there’s a good chance it’s plantar fasciitis. Another way to tell if you have this injury is if your pain goes away during exercise but comes back worse after you rest.
There are a few risk factors that can contribute to plantar fasciitis, like obesity. In case you are overweight, you’ll be putting more pressure on the plantar fascia ligament. Other risk factors include having a high arch or flat feet.
If you manage to identify this problem on time, home treatment can be effective. In some cases, you can cope with the injury by resting, icing, and taking anti-inflammatory medication. While you’re at home, you can use adjustable dumbbells to exercise without putting pressure on your feet. Physical therapy will be required if home treatment doesn’t ease the pain.
Turf Toe
Turf toe is a foot injury that usually occurs among people who play sports on artificial turf, but it can occur on any type of athletic surface. If you take part in sports like basketball, football, soccer, gymnastics, or wrestling, there’s a chance you’ll suffer from turf toe. In essence, this injury refers to a sprain of the ligaments around the main joint of the big toe.
Depending on the intensity of your injury, it may be treated at home or by a medical professional. Some of the most common symptoms of turf toe include limited joint movement, pain and swelling. If you continue participating in sports on artificial turf despite initial symptoms, your condition may get worse.
The most basic form of treatment for turf toe includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If you’re experiencing a lot of pain, you should contact a medical professional as soon as possible. Your doctor may describe certain medications to decrease inflammation and reduce pain.
The best thing you can do to reduce the risk of turf toe is to get quality footwear that will prevent your toe joint from bending excessively. In the event of a severe case of turf toe, operative treatment may be required.
Stress Fractures
Stress fractures can occur among people who engage in high-impact sports. If you play basketball, tennis, soccer or run long distances, you may suffer from this injury at some point in the future. In most cases, stress fractures can be prevented if you limit participation in strenuous exercises and don’t increase workout intensity too quickly.
If you want to increase the intensity of an activity, make sure you do it gradually to avoid injuries. In case you enjoy high-impact sports, it’s important to add some low-impact activities to your workout regimen as well. Two of the best low-impact exercises you can do include cycling and swimming. Depending on which bone is injured, it may take a few weeks for your foot to heal.
Sesamoiditis is a foot injury that can occur when tendons surrounding your sesamoid bones become inflamed and irritated. Runners and ballet dancers commonly experience this type of foot injury. Symptoms of sesamoiditis include swelling, pain, and bruising on the foot.
This is an injury that gradually develops over time, so it may be difficult to realize that you’re suffering from it. Nevertheless, if you experience any type of aforementioned symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. After your doctor examines your foot and rules out any fractures, you’ll likely be able to treat this injury at home.