Nobody wants to head to a doctor’s office to be told that their condition is no big deal and they could have managed it from the comfort of their home, and conversely, nobody wants to put off treatment for so long that the underlying condition gets much worse due to their decision to not seek help. Knowing when to seek out assistance for your foot or ankle injury is key, but what are some of the signs you should get professional treatment?
In today’s blog, we share some signs that suggest it’s time to seek out professional help for your foot or ankle issue.
When To Seek Care For Foot Pain
Foot conditions and symptoms will be unique to the individual, so this is hardly a comprehensive list. As always, use your best estimate as to whether or not your foot issue warrants professional attention.
1. Significant Pain – As we’ve said on the blog in the past, remember that pain is never normal. Pain is never “just a part of getting old,” so don’t assume that minor foot pain is something that doesn’t require your attention. You may not need to seek out professional assistance for mild foot pain, but you should certainly proactively treat it on your own. If pain is significant or causing major interruptions to your day, it’s a clear sign that you should seek out professional care.
2. Disrupting Your Stride – If foot pain is making it hard to walk, or you’re being forced to walk with an abnormal gait, you should connect with a foot specialist in your area. When your walking pattern is disrupted, it can change how stress is dispersed across your body, potentially putting you at risk for other issues like joint degeneration or an Achilles tendon tear.
3. Balance Problems – If a foot or ankle issue is causing you to feel unsteady on your feet, it’s time to make an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist. Balance issues can significantly increase your risk of a debilitating fall. Left untreated, balance issues can lead to fall-related injuries like fractures or concussions.
4. Recurrent Issues – If your foot problem keeps coming back despite your best efforts, it’s time to turn to a professional for treatment. Conditions like Athlete’s foot and ingrown toenails can keep coming back if not completely treated, so if you are dealing with an recurrent symptoms, talk with your doctor.
5. You Want Help – Finally, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to be experiencing one or all of the above issues in order to connect with a foot specialist. If you are simply dealing with a foot issue and you want an experienced professional to help you make a quick and full recovery, set up an appointment with a specialist in your area.