When you hear the term “poor posture,” you likely think of the issue causing problems for a person’s neck or back. Your spine certainly bears the brunt of bad posture habits, but it’s certainly not the only area that will be affected by it.
In fact, poor posture can cause a few different problems for your feet and ankles. In today’s blog, we explore three ways that poor posture can negatively affect your feet, and we share some tips for improving your posture.
How Bad Posture Hurts Your Feet
When your spine is out of alignment, your whole body is out of alignment, and that can cause problems for different areas. Here’s a look at three ways poor posture habits can hurt your feet:
1. Foot/Gait Misalignment – If your spine is out of alignment due to poor posture, your feet may also end up out of a healthy position. They may roll slightly inwards (overpronation) or outward (supination) as your feet compensate for the underlying alignment issue. Prolonged overpronation can lead to problems like fallen arches or flat feet, while an untreated period of excessive supination can contribute to ankle instability and increase your risk of a sprain or fracture.
2. Joint Degeneration – Poor spinal alignment puts additional stress on different areas of your body, and oftentimes it’s your lower body that has to deal with this added stress. Areas like your hips, knees and ankles all have to endure increased stress during normal activities as a result of this alignment issue, and that can speed up the natural degeneration process. Over time, this can lead to increased discomfort or limited flexibility in these joints. You can’t turn back the clock on arthritis, so you’d be wise to do whatever you can to slow the progression of joint degeneration.
3. Specific Foot Problems – Alignment issues also put additional stress on specific areas of your foot, which can lead to a host of different issues. For example, someone with spinal alignment issues that shifts stress onto their big toe joint may be at an increased risk for bunions, while someone else who experiences extra strain in the midfoot may be at risk for plantar fasciitis or arch pain.
Fortunately, adjusting your posture can go a long way in both preventing and treating the above issues. Some tips that we recommend to patients looking to improve their spinal posture include:
- Consciously checking and correcting their posture many times throughout the day.
- Improving their core strength with a targeted exercise program.
- Working towards a healthy weight.
- Wearing comfortable and supportive shoes to protect both your feet and your spine.
If you do all of these things and you work with a foot specialist like Dr. Silverman to address any foot issues that have arisen due in part to a posture issue, we’re confident that you’ll be able to successfully treat the issue and limit its chances of returning in the future. For more information, or for help with a different foot issue, connect with Dr. Silverman and the team at Resurgens Orthopaedics today at (404) 837-9999.