You can oftentimes make a pretty good guess about a person’s heritage by looking at some of their physical features. Fair skin and red hair may lead you to believe a person is of Irish or Scottish descent, whereas a darker complexion could suggest a person has ancestors in the Mediterranean or Africa. Certain features tend to be more common among certain subgroups, and the same can sometimes be said about your feet. In today’s blog, we explain how you may be able to learn a little about your genealogy by looking at your feet and toes.
Your Feet And Your Family Tree
We came across this picture on Ancestral Findings, and although the foot shapes may be pretty generalizing in nature, these shapes tend to be slightly more common among these groups of people for a few different reasons. Genetics, evolution, and shoe styles all have influenced some of the foot shapes you’ll see below. But again, this is just a generalized view of certain foot patterns, is should not be seen as a surefire way to identify someone’s genealogy or heritage. That said, take a look at your feet. Do they match up with the picture below based on what you know about your ancestry?

Are your toes shaped like the ones in the picture, and do they match what you know about your ancestry, or are the two not lining up? A foot chart is far from the most accurate way to learn about a person’s ancestry, but it’s interesting nonetheless how our feet have changed and adapted to certain elements of our native lands.