Managing Ankle Pain This Summer
Keep these tips in mind if you don’t want ankle pain keeping you from pursuing all the activities you love this summer.
1. Seek Out A Professional Consult – If you’re currently dealing with foot or ankle pain, don’t keep trying to push through the pain. Pain is not normal and isn’t simply a product of getting older. Oftentimes treatments are much more straightforward than you imagine, so take the first step towards putting ankle pain in the past by connecting with a specialist who can provide you with an individualized diagnosis and treatment plan.
2. Follow Through On Your Care Plan – Whether you seek out the advice of a doctor, a physical therapist or similar health professional, make sure you are following through on their care plan. If you don’t partake in strength building exercises or you end up missing some physical therapy sessions, your progress will likely stall. Commit to your recovery plan, as this is the only way to make the strongest recovery possible.
3. Stay Active – Unless you’ve been told to specifically stay off your feet or limit the stress you place on them, make it a point to be active this summer. Activity will challenge your feet and help them become stronger, but it will also help to push healthy blood to your extremities, helping them get the nutrients they need. Sitting on the couch all summer because you have a fear of foot discomfort will likely only cause this pain to worsen.
4. Smart Exercise – It’s also a good idea to seek out some regular exercise to improve the health of your feet and your whole body. Be sure to vary your exercise routine so that you’re not always targeting the same muscle groups and risking an overstress injury. Go for a run one day then mix in an upper body workout the next. Varying your workout routine can also break up the monotony of exercise and make it easier for you to continue to seek out exercise.
5. Treat Small Injuries – Finally, if you pick up a new injury during your summer escapades, make sure you proactively treat the problem, even if you’re just treating it at home. Ignoring the problem and assuming that time will heal all wounds typically leaves you worse off in the long-run, so make it a point to treat small problems before they snowball.