Earlier this month, Dr. Silverman took the opportunity to head to Florida for a medical education summit put on by the team at OSSIO. As we’ve talked about on the blog numerous times in the past, we’re big fans of OSSIO and the technological advancements they’ve brought to the surgical world, so Dr. Silverman was very excited to be invited to further his medical education and learn about new devices that OSSIO has been developing.
Dr. Silverman was able to connect with a number of like-mind specialists who were also interested in learning more about the new OSSIO products during a summit on the beach. The group also learned during classroom instruction before being able to demo some of the new products for themselves!
The team at OSSIO put together a short video highlighting the latest educational summit, and if you check it out, we think you’ll notice a familiar face!
We just want to thank the team at OSSIO for giving us a chance to further our medical knowledge so that we can provide the highest level of care to our patients. The summit was enjoyable and educational, and certainly a change of pace from a traditional continuing education course! Dr. Silverman has been a big fan of OSSIO for a long time, and he was actually the first surgeon in Minnesota to perform an operation using OSSIOfiber technology!
For more information about OSSIO and the OSSIOfiber, check out some of these blogs we’ve written in the past, and stay tuned to our blog for continued updates in the future!