Earlier this week, we shared a story of how Dr. Silverman became the first surgeon to successfully implement the Ossiofiber device in an operation in the state of Minnesota. We thought that might be the only headline he made this week, but we were wrong! We were recently informed that Dr. Silverman was quoted in a piece published on MarthaStewart.com!
The article in question was about how the wrong pair of shoes can contribute to back pain. In the article, Dr. Silverman talks about how high-heeled shoes can create an imbalance in your pelvis and lead to the onset of back pain. Here’s his full quote.
“High-heeled shoes will relax some muscles while creating excess tension in others. This imbalance from simple height differences is often reflected in the lumbar spine. As the pelvis tilts abnormally, whether front or back, to the left or the right, more than a dozen joints in the lumbar spine must accommodate. Longer term positioning leads to over-strengthening of one set of muscles and relaxation of a whole other set. We define this as torsion ([or] twisting), and constant torsion is not healthy to bones and joints.”
Dr. Silverman isn’t the only doctor quoted in the piece, and it’s a well-written article on how a small piece of our daily attire can have big consequences for our health if we’re not careful.
We’ve also written similar blogs on the subject. For more information about how your shoes or your high heels can contribute to back pain, check out these blogs we’ve written.