In the first installment of The Science of the Food Industry, we looked at how Dr. Pepper used science to create their Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper recipe. In Part 2, we look at how Lunchables transformed the lunchtime industry, despite offering little nutritional value. The Rise of the Grab and Go Meal Oscar Mayer was […]
5 Ways to Help Someone Recover after Foot Surgery
Foot surgery is not a major surgery in that the patient will not be in the hospital for an extended period of time. In fact, it is normally an outpatient procedure that sends the person home the very same day. However, the recovery period can still be rather long and painful. If you know someone […]
Mediterranean Diet Linked to Better Heart Health
A new study found that a Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by as much as 30% in people who are at a high risk for developing heart disease, as compared to people who switched to a diet low in fat. Researchers presented their findings at the International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition. […]
Double-Jointed Teens at Higher Risk for Musculoskeletal Pain
A new British study suggests that adolescents with joint hypermobility are at a greater risk for developing certain types of musculoskeletal pain later in life, especially if they are obese. Joint hypermobility at age 14, sometimes commonly referred to as “double jointedness”, led to increased musculoskeletal pain four years later in the ankle and foot, […]
The Availability of Sugar and the Impact on Diabetes Rates
A recent Public Library of Science study revealed that increased sugar in a populations food supply was linked to higher diabetes rates independent of rates of obesity. The study looked at sugar availability and medical data from 175 countries over the past ten years. They found that high sugar levels can cause diabetes, irrespective of […]