Everyone wants their feet to look and feel young, but that doesn’t just happen by accident. As we get older, we need to be more aware of how we treat our feet and what we need to do to ensure they still feel young long into our golden years. In today’s blog, we share some tips for helping your feet look and feel young as you age.
Keeping Your Feet Young And Healthy
If you want to give your feet the best chance of remaining young and healthy for decades to come, keep these tips in mind.
1. Exercise – Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your feet. It helps to push healthy blood to your extremities and it builds muscles and strengthens soft tissues in the area. However, it’s also important that you exercise correctly when you’re active. Avoid overstressing your feet with long runs or lower body workouts many days in a row without a rest. Running is a great form of exercise, but it can also put a lot of stress on your feet. Rotate your activity between exercises like running, cycling, an elliptical or swimming to name a few options. There are plenty of ways to strengthen your feet without overloading them during exercise, so find what works for you.
2. Keep Them Clean – Keeping your feet clean is another great way to help them remain young and healthy. Really take time to scrub your feet when you’re in the shower or bath, and trim your toenails correctly to help prevent ingrown toenails. Fungal infections, athlete’s foot and ingrown toenails can all affect the appearance of your feet, and they can also cause pain and discomfort, so practice good foot hygiene.
3. Regular Checks – Get in the habit of conducting regular foot checks. Whether you do this on a weekly basis or every time you clean your feet in the shower, look for signs of potential foot problems. The key to preventing big foot issues is to catch them when they are in their infancy, and performing regular wellness checks can help catch problems early. Look for redness, wounds that aren’t healing, toenail issues, toe deformations or anything else that just doesn’t seem normal.
4. Seek Medical Attention – Finally, if you really want to keep your feet healthy and young looking, have regular physicals and bring any foot concerns you have up to a professional. Building off the last point, it’s much easier to treat a foot problem that is caught early on, so bring any concerns you have to your doctor or a foot specialist in the area. Proactive prevention and early intervention are crucial if you want to have healthy feet for years to come.
For more tips on how to find the fountain of your for your feet, reach out to Dr. Silverman and the team at Silverman Ankle & Foot today.