Correction of a bunion will involve cutting the bones and realigning the deviated first toe. The most important goal of any bunion surgery is to reduce the chronic toe joint dislocation and restore a more normal anatomy.
Many patients are concerned about removing the bunion prominence. This happens naturally when the deformity is corrected, which is the best method, because simple bump removal has an unacceptably high rate of failure. The surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. If you have questions about bunion surgery, contact Dr. Silverman today.
Have you noticed a bump on the side of the base of your big toe joint? Is it causing pain and discomfort when you’re walking or wearing shoes?
If so, let Dr. Silverman help. For more information about bunion correction surgery, keep reading.
What Happens Before Bunion Correction Surgery?
The surgical center will inform you when to arrive and how to prepare for surgery. The day of surgery you will receive regional anesthesia known as a Popliteal nerve block. This is a procedure performed by the anesthesiologist prior to surgery. You will be given medication to induce “twilight sleep”, placed on your stomach, and a small needle will be used to inject Novocain-like medication around the nerve in the back of your leg. It gives complete pain relief that lasts for 12 to 36 hours. Patients report extraordinary satisfaction with this type of anesthesia.
What Happens During Bunion Correction Surgery?
During surgery you will be put into a very relaxed state by the medication delivered through the I.V. Time passes quickly while you sleep. A tourniquet will be placed around your calf but, you will not feel the pressure because of the nerve block. Incisions are made along the inside of your foot. The ligaments are rebalanced and the bone is cut and secured with screws, wires and occasionally plates. In unusual cases a fusion is performed. X-Rays taken during the surgery confirm the correction of the toe dislocation and the correction of alignment. Other procedures such as hammer or crossover toes, mid-foot arthritis or bunionettes may be corrected simultaneously during this surgery when indicated. The wounds are closed with stitches.
What Happens After Bunion Correction Surgery?
Once your anesthesiologist is satisfied that have recovered you will be permitted to leave the surgical center. During this recovery time your family member may take your prescription to the nearest pharmacy. You will be given crutches. Take your narcotic pain control medications before falling asleep or as you feel the “numbing” effect wearing off. Remember, post operative pain is much easier to control with prevention. Schedule your first post-operative appointment for 2 to 7 days after surgery.
Bunion Correction Surgery General Recovery Timeline
Dressing: Keep dry and intact. The first dressing change is within a few days from surgery. Stitches are removed at 2 weeks and an aftercare brace is used. Patients are encouraged to wear tennis shoes as soon as swelling permits.
Elevation | 23 hours / day for 3 days; then keep elevated as needed. Swelling may last over 4 months. |
Motion | Move your ankle and lesser toes when the block resolves. This will decrease pain and swelling, and improve healing. Begin great toe up and down motion after the first dressing change. |
Walking | Heel and outside of the foot only for 2 weeks. Once the wound has healed most of our bunion surgery patients can weight bear as tolerated. In all but the rarely required fusion surgery, we use the most stable types of surgery to allow this rapid return to function.** |
Bathing | Keep dressing clean and dry. |
Pain Control | Expect to use strong narcotics for the first 3-5 days. Wean off as soon as you are comfortable using Tylenol or Motrin. |
Work | Return depends on specific demands. It is safe to return to sedentary work at 10 days post-op. Return to heavy labor will take at least 8 weeks. |
Driving | Patients with left foot surgery may drive an automatic transmission. Patients with right foot surgery must wait until healing is adequate and they feel safe. |
Routine Clinic Visits
2-7 days | Return for a dressing change. Begin active motion of the toe up and down for best results. |
2 weeks | Check XR and confirm incision is healed. Remove dressings; begin wearing a tennis shoe when swelling permits. |
6 weeks | Check XR to confirm healing; Gradually, resume normal activity if bones are healed. ** |
3 months | Return if you have pain, other concerns, or per Dr.Silverman’s instructions. Minimal feelings of discomfort may linger, your overall comfort level improves over a year. |
********** | If at any time during your post-operative period you notice any drainage or foul odor from your incision, a temperature of more than 100.4 degrees and/or increased swelling or tenderness, you should contact our office. |
** No weight bearing is permitted in the bunions that require midfoot fusion.
For more helpful tips, check out these rehab exercise videos that will help you recover, or reach out to Dr. Silverman for more information!