Our readers have made this blog something special in 2013. We launched our blog in December 2011, averaging just over 10 hits a day. We didn’t start the blog with the singular goal of bringing in more patients; instead, we wanted to educate individuals both in our community and across the globe in a subject we knew a lot about – Foot, leg, and overall body health.
Over the past 24 months, we’ve seen this blog grow into a community of regular readers who share their stories and pass on words of wisdom to people they don’t even know. Our readers have given us so much of their time and personal stories that we felt compelled to give back.
That’s why, in lieu of today’s blog, we’re going to be running a little contest on our Facebook page. Simply head over to Facebook and answer today’s trivia question. The answer to the question can be found somewhere on our website AnkleFootMD.com.
The trivia question has three parts:
1. Name one surgery recovery tip.
2. Dr. Silverman usually uses the procedure commonly known as _______ during ankle ligament reconstruction surgery.
3. What injury is named after a doctor that served in the Napoleonic War?
Now, here’s the fun part. A correct answer will get you one entry into the drawing. If you have a correct answer, and you follow @AnkleFootMD on Twitter, you’ll get an additional entry. If you share the post on Facebook, and you have the correct answer, you’ll get an additional three entries into the drawing. That means you can earn a total of five entries into the drawing!
Today’s prize is a $15 iTunes Gift Card. The perfect stocking stuffer of the media mogul in your life. The contest will run until 2pm on Friday, so get your answers, follows and shares in by then. If you have any questions, let us know!
Thanks again for your wonderful support to our blog.