If you’re one of those people who likes to shop in person and get the best deals on Black Friday, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans will head out to local stores in the hours after Thanksgiving in hopes of scoring deals ahead of the holiday season, but for some this means spending the majority of the day on their feet. Even if you don’t have pre-existing foot problems, this extended time on your feet can lead to minor or major issues.
With that in mind, we wanted to use today’s blog to share some tips for protecting your feet if you’re going Black Friday shopping this week.
Foot Health On Black Friday
If you want to protect your feet throughout the course of your shopping extravaganza, here’s what you’ll want to keep in mind:
1. Wear Comfy And Supportive Shoes – While you may have your eyes on a pair of discounted high heels, don’t wear an elevated shoe out and about if you will be on your feet all day. Instead, wear a shoe that is both comfortable and supportive to ensure stress is displaced correctly across your feet. If you’re going to take 10,000-20,000 steps or more that day, make sure that you’re wearing a shoe that is designed to withstand that type of repetitive stress while also protecting your feet.
2. Mind Your Grip – It’s also a good idea to wear a shoe with a fair amount of tread on the bottom. Black Friday and the holiday season is oftentimes met with slush, snow and ice, and that can make for slippery walkways. Watch where you’re stepping and wear shoes that help to keep you upright.
3. Build In Breaks – Find time to get off your feet for a bit throughout the day. Take in an afternoon matinee at the movie theater, or sit down for a healthy lunch. Giving your legs and feet regular breaks throughout the day can provide key areas with a little rest from repetitive stress. Try not to be on your feet for hours on end without reprieve.
4. Pamper Your Feet – It may also be a good idea to pamper your feet throughout the day or once your shopping try is over. Grab a massage and pedicure at the salon, or simply put your feet up on the couch after taking a nice warm bath. Pamper your feet a bit after being upright all day so that they can better recover from the rigors of your shopping trip.
5. Shop From Home – Finally, if you want to protect your feet a bit and perhaps save some time, consider doing your shopping online on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Many companies run their same deals online, so you don’t need to spends hours at the mall only to find out that store doesn’t have the product you want in stock. Fire up your computer and do your shopping from the comfort of your home to save some stress on your feet.