If you’ve been told that you’re not allowed to bear weight on your foot or ankle for a period of time after surgery, you may be wondering how you’ll get around or get through the day. Being non-weight bearing can be a little annoying, but it is for the betterment of your health, and failing to comply with your doctor’s instructions can serve to make your surgically-repaired foot worse.
With that in mind, we thought it would be helpful to share some tips that will make life a little easier if you have to be non-weight bearing for a while after foot or ankle surgery. Below, we explain how to survive being non-weight bearing for a bit after foot surgery.
Surviving And Thriving While Non-Weight Bearing
You have to be a little more deliberate in how you go about your day, but if you keep these tips in mind, getting through the day without bearing weight on one of your feet will be a little easier.
Rely On Assistive Walking Devices – Being non-weight bearing doesn’t mean that you have to be immobile, you just have to learn to get around without putting weight on your feet. Insert an assistive walking device, like crutches or a knee scooter. Start thinking about which assistive device you’d prefer before surgery so that you can track one down or have a device provided for you by the medical center when the time comes.
Rely On Others – Lean on others for support and help while you’re non-weight bearing. Again, it’s helpful to give others a heads up well in advance, but see if a friend can bring your homework to your house after school, or have someone else bring you groceries or come take the trash out. None of these tasks will be easy on one foot, so don’t be afraid to ask for a little help while you recover. You’d do it for others, so don’t be embarrassed to ask for help when you’re in need.
Prep Ahead Of Time – Before surgery, it’s important to prepare your house for your return, especially if you know that you’ll be non-weight bearing when you get back home. Pick up any tripping obstacles, prep some healthy meals, get the laundry done and do any cleaning that you’ll want done ahead of time so that it’s not an issue upon your return.
Remind Yourself Why – If you’re finding it difficult or frustrating to be non-weight bearing for a period of time after your operation, remind yourself why you need to follow your doctor’s instructions. Putting too much pressure on the injured site too soon after surgery can lead to re-injury, shifting hardware or general surgery failure. If you think you’re frustrated now, just think how big of a pain it will be to have to undergo another operation because you suffered a setback by walking on your injured foot. Focus on the long-term if you’re struggling with short-term restrictions.
Sedentary Entertainment – Finally, it will be easier to stay off your feet if your mind is busy and entertained. Renew your Netflix subscription, check out some interesting books from the library before your operation, pick up some crossword puzzles or get some holiday shopping done from your computer. Find ways to keep your mind entertained, and being immobile won’t seem like such a big deal.