Sports prevention experts are always looking for new ways to keep athletes from getting injured. Many studies focus on how to run correctly or how to prevent overuse injuries, but few examine a person’s risk for injury before they begin a running regimen. Risk factor screenings do just that. Risk factor screenings help physicians determine […]
Lack Of Sleep Could Increase Pain In Seniors
Our muscles and joints take plenty of wear and tear over the course of our lives, so it’s no wonder that the older a person gets, the more likely they are to experience pain in one or more of their body parts. When a condition sets in, this is categorized as newly-onset widespread pain, and […]
Parent Pain Linked To Chronic Aches in Children
New research suggests that children may be more likely to develop ongoing pain if one of their parents complains of constant pain. “Children are careful observers of everything that we do as parents, and how we respond to our pain and to their pain is no different, said psychologist Anna Wilson, who led the study. […]
Would You Trust A Doctor Who Pays For Twitter Followers?
The above question was posed on another site, and the author answered the question by saying our Twitter presence is made up by three factors: Who we actually are How we choose to present ourselves in the public space How others represent us The first two points are arguably the most important, and they are […]
Preventing Ankle Injuries While Skiing
As with any athletic activity, your feet play a critical role in keeping you upright and balanced. Skiing puts a lot of pressure on your feet and ankles as your turn and stop, so it’s no surprise that we see a handful of skiers on our operating table every year. Below, we share some tips […]