School is out and kids are soaking up the summer. The warm summer months can be a great time to be outside with your kids, but it can also lead to some additional foot injury risks. In today’s blog, we share some tips for helping your kids avoid foot and ankle injuries during the hot summer months.
Avoiding Foot Injuries This Summer
Here’s a look at some ways to help protect your child’s feet over the course of the summer.
Right Shoe For The Job – Playing around in the backyard in your bare feet may be enjoyable, but going barefoot isn’t always the best option depending on the task. Make sure your child wears the right shoes for the activities to come so that their foot is protected. Not every foot injury is preventable, but wound risk is often greatly reduced if they have a protective pair of shoes on their feet.
New Athletic Footwear – Don’t assume that last year’s cleats will fit again this summer, even if they still look brand new. Your child’s feet undergo a lot of growing throughout the year, so make sure their athletic footwear still fits them as it should. Have them professionally fitted by a shoe specialist, or if you already have an appointment with Dr. Silverman, feel free to bring their shoes into the visit so we can make sure they are the perfect fit for activity.
Don’t Forget Socks – If your child is going to be wearing sandals, they may not need socks, but if they have a less breathable shoe, make sure they have a pair of socks on. Socks help to remove moisture from your feet and prevent sheering that can lead to blister formation. Socks also help to prevent the creation of an ideal habitat for athlete’s foot fungus or other bacteria.
Foot Checks – Depending on the age of your child, it’s may be a good idea to perform regular foot checks to look for any injuries, rashes or irritations. If your kids are old enough to perform their own self assessments, talk to them about bringing your attention to any new pains or injuries.
Sunscreen – If your kids love to be barefoot during the summer, make sure they are wearing sunscreen on their body and feet. The feet are one of the most commonly missed locations when applying sunscreen, and burns in this area will be painful when wearing socks and shoes. Burns can also increase their risk for skin cancer, so keep sunscreen handy this summer.