Your Achilles tendon is the strongest and largest tendon in the body, but even it can rupture if it is overstressed or due to microtearing over decades of movement. Achilles tendon injuries have increased over the last 30 years, and researchers have become more interested in what life is like after an Achilles tendon rupture. […]
10 Percent Of Running Injuries Are Caused By This Foot Problem
Running is a great way to stay in shape, but it also takes a significant toll on our bodies. With each stride we put acute micro-trauma on our hips, knees and feet, and over the course of the years that take takes a toll on those body parts. Repetitive running injuries come in many forms, […]
Understanding Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that affects the largest tendon in your body, which is located on the back of your leg near the heel. This is where your Achilles tendon sits, and its job is to connect the calf muscles to the heel bone and facilitate foot movements like walking, bending, running and […]
Why Is It Called Your Achilles Tendon?
Your Achilles tendon is one of the strongest tendons in your body. The tendon is crucial in helping facilitate movement, running and a host of other activities on your feet. Since it’s such an important tendon, tearing your Achilles can be one of the most crippling foot injuries, which is followed by months and months […]
Achilles Tendon Tears: Treatment and Recovery
Earlier this month, we explored the signs and symptoms of Achilles tendon tears. Today, we’ll examine the treatment options for Achilles tendon tears, and we’ll look at the rehabilitation process. Non-surgical treatment For many Achilles tendon tears, patients can opt for either a surgical or non-invasive procedure. Both methods have been proven successful, although most […]