Tens of thousands of Americans sprain their ankles every day, and the vast majority simply try to walk (or hobble) it off. While it’s true that ankle sprains may not require as much immediate attention as a compound fracture or a heart attack, you shouldn’t just try to ignore the injury and hope that it […]
My Ankle Keeps Rolling – Why and What’s Next
There are two main types of injuries that we see in our clinic. There are the acute injuries that involve significant trauma and injury, like a fractured ankle from a car accident or fall off a ladder, and there are chronic injuries that develop over time or simply won’t fully go away. Most people know […]
Baby Boomers Should Be Checked For Ankle Instability
We understand that you want to stay active into your 60’s and 70’s, and we don’t blame you. But there’s no doubting that it gets harder and harder to do as we get older. There are a number of things you can do to improve your fitness as you age, like ensuring you eat a […]
Why Do I Keep Rolling My Ankle?
Do you roll your ankle frequently? Do your friends call you “glass ankles?” If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have one or two weak ankles which leaves them susceptible to rolls or sprains. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do strengthen your ankles and prevent them from rolling. Why Do My […]