Hiking is a great way to spend the afternoon and get some exercise, but long excursions can take a toll on our feet. Today, we share four tips for keeping your feet pain free while going on a hike. Foot Pain and Hiking The best way to prevent foot problems as a result of hiking […]
A Guide To Caring For Your Feet When Hiking
Whether you’re trying to hike the hills during the wet spring months, the hot summers or the windy but picturesque fall, there are some steps you’ll want to take to help care for your feet before, during and after your hike. Today, we share some of those tips. Hiking and Your Feet Here are some […]
Tips For Keeping Your Feet Healthy When Hiking
Estimates suggest that nearly 40 million Americans will go hiking this year. Exploring nature in all its beauty can be very enjoyable, but not if you suffer a foot or ankle injury. Today, we explore some ways to keep your feet injury-free while hiking. Hiking and Foot Safety Hiking-related injuries come in all shapes and sizes, […]