Have you ever sat down at the end of a long day and felt like your feet were on fire? Do you experience a burning or tingling sensation from time to time when you’re lying in bed? If so, you’re not alone. Many Americans regularly deal with a nighttime burning sensation in their feet, but […]
Why Are My Feet Hot?
We’ve written a couple blogs on frostbite and other reasons why you may be experiencing cold feet, but what if you’re dealing with a problem at the other end of the heat spectrum? For some people, they have to deal with hot feet or a burning sensation in their feet each and every day. What […]
Why Are My Feet Burning?
Unless your feet are nestled up near the fireplace, there’s no reason why you should be experiencing a burning sensation in your feet. Unfortunately, a large portion of the population of the United States deals with infrequent or chronic burning sensations in one or both of their feet. Today, we take a closer look at why it […]