Everyone’s feet are different. Some people have low arches, others have high arches, while others have no arch at all. Those with no arch or a fallen arch may be dealing with a condition called flat feet. Flat feet occur when the soft tissues that help to create our foot’s arch end up loosening and […]
Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery Doesn’t Increase Flatfoot Risk
Surgery can help to correct a clear and present issue, but when an area is surgically fixed or altered, it can have a ripple effect on other structures. Some people believe that the foot experiences that ripple effect after minimally invasive bunion correction, as some orthopedic specialists suggest that the corrective procedure could increase a […]
The Basics of Adult Flatfoot Reconstruction
Flatfoot deformity is a foot condition that becomes more common as we get older. After decades of physical stress, the tendons in your feet can get loose or fail to work in proper order, and this can lead to fallen arches and flat feet. Reconstruction is more common in younger patients, while a fusion operation […]