Our feet come in all different shapes and sizes, and that’s especially true about our foot’s arch. Your foot arch plays a crucial role in helping disperse the weight of your body, and it also provides support when performing some simple movements, like walking, running or jumping. Over time, due in part to repetitive stress […]
What Does A Collapsed Foot Arch Feel Like?
Our foot arch helps to appropriately disperse the weight of our body across our foot with each step we take, so if this arch shape changes, it can have a significant impact on our feet and even systems elsewhere in our body like our ankles, knees and hips. Since a fallen or collapsed arch typically […]
Four Underlying Causes Of Flat Feet
A healthy foot arch helps to distribute the weight of your body and makes it easier for you to maintain your balance. However, everyone isn’t blessed with a perfectly shaped foot arch, and in fact many people have a fallen or flat foot arch. Flat feet may not be painful, at least at the outset, […]
Is It Better To Have High Arches Or Flat Feet?
Our feet come in all different shapes and sizes. Perhaps the foot area that varies the most from person to person is the arch, as some people have extremely high arches while others have relatively no arch, known as flat foot. But is one condition better than the other? Is it better to have high […]
Three Common Foot Conditions That Cause Arch Pain
Arches come in all shapes and sizes. Some people have naturally high arches, while others have almost no arch at all. While we can’t choose our foot arch, its design plays a crucial role in how our feet support our body’s weight when it’s in motion. If pain begins to develop in your arch, don’t […]