Much like you and me, doctors aren’t perfect. We love to believe that the people operating on our bodies never make mistakes, but that’s not the case. Although mistakes are made, sometimes they shift the medical landscape and save countless lives down the road. Below we examine five medical mishaps that changed the standard of care for […]
Botox May Help Alleviate Foot Pain
A new study out of Mexico found that Botox injections helped treat foot aliments like plantar fasciitis better than common steroids. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the connective tissues on the bottom of the feet become inflamed. The injury is common for people that put a lot of stress on their feet, like runners or overweight […]
New Basketball Shoe May Limit Ankle Sprains
Ankle injuries are common for athletes, but a New York doctor hopes to prevent future injuries through the development of a new basketball shoe. Tired of seeing athletes come into his office with injured ankles, orthopedic radiologist Dr. Barry Katz decided to create a pair of basketball shoes that would provide better ankle support. Katz […]
Serena Rolls Ankle, Competition
Serena Williams rolled her ankle in her first-round match of the Australian Open, then rolled over Edina Gallovits-Hall to advance 6-0, 6-0. Williams has suffered ankle injuries during her career, but Tuesday’s incident looked like it might send the five-time Australian Open champion home early. Williams held a 4-0 lead in the first set when […]
Foot Gestures Can Determine Attraction, Personality Types
Body language is often representative of a person’s feelings, whether they are nervous, excited, or trying to pass a lie as the truth, but a study at the University of Manchester found that a person’s feet often give off secret messages about their feelings. Shoemaker Guy West paired up with Professor Geoffrey Beattie, Dean of […]