Happy Quitter’s Day! Although the actual date is somewhat up for debate, many in the industry peg the second Friday in January as “Quitter’s Day,” or the day when most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions. We shared some tips on our blog last week on how you can work to keep your […]
How To Keep Those Pesky Health-Focused New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! If you’re like a lot of people, you have some fitness-focused resolutions that you hope to keep this year. Perhaps you want to lose a little weight, reduce your blood pressure or simply be more active in 2025, and that’s great! However, we know how hard it can be to stick to […]
Five Ways To Put Your Feet First In The New Year
There’s less than a week left in 2022, and all eyes are on the new year and what it might bring for us. Odds are you also have some resolutions that you hope will stick in the new year, and we hope that you’ll consider putting your foot health on your resolution’s list. In today’s […]
3 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Feet
The new year is here, and let’s strive to make 2017 a healthier year than 2016. Taking care of your whole body in the new year is important, but today we want to focus on one specific aspect of your health – your feet. Today, we share three tips for taking care of your feet […]
4 Resolutions to Make 2015 Your Healthiest Year Yet
New Year’s came and went, and now many Americans are writing down resolutions they hope to keep throughout 2015. If you’re like a lot of our readers, one of your goals is to be healthier in the new year. But what are some easy resolutions that will help you maintain that goal? Below, we share four resolutions that […]