Sports injuries, like most other injuries, come with varying levels of pain. The reaction to tissue damage is the stimulation of sensory nerves and when these signals are transmitted to the brain they are perceived as pain. The intensity of pain is not necessarily an indication of the severity of damage, since the brain is […]
Dealing with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Amanda Siebe was just another twenty-something trying to make ends meet by working overtime at a restaurant when she suffered what she thought was a rather innocuous ankle sprain. By her own account, Amanda had grown up outdoors, often hiking, camping, whitewater rafting and leading Boy and Girl Scout groups, so she was no stranger […]
4 Ways to Manage Post-Operative Pain
Post operative pain management is an essential part of any surgery for both the surgeon and the patient. Gone are the days of prescribing a couple of Vicodin, waving goodbye to the patient after surgery, and letting them suffer without guidance. Preparation. If you are mentally prepared for the pain it will not be as […]