Running in the wintertime can be an enjoyable experience, but you have to take a few more precautions than you do in the summer. Below, we share five tips for staying injury-free if you’re looking to run outdoors this winter. Outdoor Winter Running Tips Keep these tips in mind if you’re going to be running […]
Running Shoes and Injury Prevention
There are few activities that we humans are born innately knowing how to do, but counted among them is running. By and large, as babies begin to crawl, then toddle, and then walk, soon after they hit the ground running — quite literally — and don’t look back. It’s as though we are born with […]
Horizontal Running Force Impacts Injury Likelihood
When it comes to running injuries, a lot of the focus falls on your stride pattern and how often you are running, and rightfully so. However, a new study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found that horizontal force plays a significant role in predicting a person’s running injury likelihood. Horizontal […]
5 Tips For Safely Running At Night
Although the summer hours mean there’s more daylight, it also usually means there’s more on our daily schedules, so sometimes the only time we have to exercise is before the sun comes up or after it goes down. Running when it’s dark out can be calming and less hectic than working out right after you […]
Marathon Running and Our Perception Of Pain
New research involving marathon running has helped us understand how we perceive pain and how that perception changes as time goes on. To determine if time affects our perception of pain, researchers asked 127 marathon runners to report their pain levels immediately after running a marathon. Researchers also asked runners to recall how much pain […]