A number of different irritants and underlying health conditions can cause the skin on our feet to peel, so figuring out exactly why your feet are peeling isn’t always an easy task. Dr. Silverman can help you figure out what’s causing your feet to peel and set you up with a treatment plan to help make your feet more comfortable. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at some of the underlying causes of peeling feet.
Causes Of Peeling Feet
Here’s a look at some of the more common causes and underlying health conditions that can lead to skin peeling on your feet:
Athlete’s Foot – Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection that leads to red, dry and itchy patches of skin on your feet. It can also cause this irritated skin to peel or shed. The fungus that causes Athlete’s Foot is more common in warm, damp locations like locker rooms and public swimming areas. Keeping your feet clean and dry, as well as applying an over-the-counter topical medication can help to resolve the fungal infection and stop your feet from peeling.
Eczema – Eczema is a skin condition that involves the development of inflammation or a rash on certain areas of your body. It tends to be more common on your elbows, arms and scalp, but it can also develop on your feet. Dry, red patches of itchy skin are a common sight in patients with eczema, and as you can imagine, it can also lead to skin peeling or flaking. Eczema can be treated or better controlled with the help of medications, topical ointments, light therapy and certain steroids.
Dry Skin – Skin peeling on your feet can also simply be the result of dry skin. Sometimes underlying health conditions like diabetes can lead to dry, cracked skin, while other times it’s simply a product of your environment. If you live in low humidity areas, you’re dehydrated, you’re stressed, you’re not eating a balanced diet or you’re a smoker, the skin on your feet may be more prone to drying out. Wearing socks and using moisturizers can help to keep your feet from drying out and your skin from peeling.
Hyperhidrosis – Conversely, if your feet are constantly sweating, you may also experience skin irritation and peeling. Hyperhidrosis is categorized by excessive sweating, and it commonly presents in the feet. If your feet are regularly sweating, it can lead to damp socks, which in turn can rub, sheer or irritate the skin of your foot. Keep your shoes dry and allow your feet to be barefoot when it is safe to do so, but if you’re still dealing with sweaty, irritated feet, certain medications can help.
Most cases of peeling feet aren’t serious, but that doesn’t mean you should just assume the issue will go away on its own. Connect with a foot specialist, figure out what’s going on in your feet and develop a plan to ensure it is properly treated.